The Ugly Quacking Duck Podcast
We are glad you have arrived on our website! We made this site to give us a tool to share more than just the audio of our podcasts and bring together our supporters. Our podcast is made up of a couple guests who come by often, Sunny is one and Lily is the other. I have other guests on as much as possible and we talk about many topics. I have a hard time narrowing it down to one niche.
Become a subscriber. Put in your email below. We are blogging about our newest podcast episode here including a link to hear the podcast early. However, the link is only good until the next podcast episode comes out. We also have a “Our Podcast” page containing a list of our episodes. Check out the “About” page and before you leave visit the “Comment” page to leave us a comment. We have also included a “Social Media” page where you can find links to our social media accounts.
Thanks again for coming by.

Do you like our podcast? Please subscribe or hit follow on your app. Take a few minutes to rate us where you can. Tell a friend or two. Word of mouth is the best way for our podcast to grow. Do you feel lead to give financially? Please, think about contributing to us.
“Go to our Support Our Podcast Page”
Above everything, please come back!
Thanks for stopping by.
Until Next time.
73. May the Father’s blessing and love be with you.